Canceled School Events


Career Fair 

The career fair was supposed to be an opportunity for seniors to explore different careers that they could potentially be interested in before attending college. It was originally postponed until June, but has now been cancelled following the order to physically shut down Michigan schools.

Prom/Senior skip day

 Throughout the four years of high school, student councils raise money in order to throw an extravagant prom for their class to celebrate the end of their school experience before they become adults. As of now, prom is not officially cancelled but postponed until further notice.

Spring Sports

The spring season is the last chance senior athletes get to show off their abilities to scouts/recruiters. It’s also memorable because it will be the last season they get to play with their teammates. Before the seasons even got started, schools were physically shut down. Shortly following this decision, it was announced that the spring season was officially cancelled as well.


 The high school graduation ceremony is the most anticipated event of a students’ school career from K-12. This is the event that gives them their diplomas and sends them into their adult life. This would also be the last time they would be able to see all their classmates together, as well as the family there to celebrate. Class of 2020 graduation has been postponed until further notice due to the social distancing guidelines.

Senior Party

 Going along with the graduation ceremony, there are no updates on rescheduling the Senior Party as of now. The Senior Party is always the last school scheduled event which provides the graduating students with the opportunity to spend time with fellow classmates before parting ways over the summer.